Thursday, August 6, 2009

Al-Qutb Al-Kamil Abul Hassan Sidi Ali b. Aissa - Sahabat Syeikh Ahmad Tijani

Al-Qutb al-Kamil Abul Hassan Sidi Ali b. Aissa Tamasini al-Hassani (d. 1260/1845)

For nearly fifty years Sidna Shaykh Abul Abbas Mawlana Ahmed ibn Mohammed Tijani was the main active propagator of the doctrine. From his Fez headquarters, he organized the born-global Tijaniya Sufi order, which spread in easts and wests in his blessed lifetime. During the same period, some of Sidna Shaykh's appointed khalifas had established new Tijani centers abroad and developed ramifications of their own. Of these is the noted Zawiya of Tamehalt near Tamasin, which was constructed by al-Qutb Samadani Sidi Abul Hassan Ali b. Aissa Tamasini (d. 1260/1845). Upon the death of Sidna Shaykh in 1230/1815, the direction of the order in Algeria moved to two blocks. Sidna Shaykh nominated Sidi Abul Hassan as a Khalifa and directed him to move his sons from Fez to the desert so that the succession should alternate between his own family in Ain Madhi and that of Sidi Ali in Tamasini.

The Allama al-Qadi Sidi Ahmed Sukayraj (d. 1355/1940) sets forth a remarkable hagiography of Sidi al-Haj Tamasin in his Kashf al-Hijab 'amman talaaqa bi-Shaykh Tijani mina-l As'hab (Rising the Veil on the Companions of Shaykh Tijani). According to the chronicle, when Sidi Ali Tamasini went to visit Shaykh Tijani he asked him to lead the prayer despite the presence of many Alim's and lot of others who deserve to lead the prayer. While leading the prayer something disturbed him, after the prayer someone asked Sidna if the prayer was valid according to the sharia, Sidna responded: "Allah has gifted this man with the Fath (spiritual opening) and the prayer behind someone who has the Fath is accepted'' this attestation of Sidna is enough to shows us the importance of his companion Tamasini. One time the servant of Sidna Sidi Tayyeb ibn Mohamed Sufyani who was in charge in the spending and the needs of the house of Sidna was asked about one of the servants who was sick: "Have you given her some medicines". He responded: "He have bought her some medicines but it hasn't take any effects maybe it would be better if we treat her with ruqiya" Sidi Tayyeb Sufyani said: “Who is going to do the ruqiya”. Shaykh Ahmad Tijani: "Sidi Tamasini is the appropriate guy for this if he is present." Sidi Tayyeb told Sidna Shaykh: "I would like you to authorize me for that because you only authorize Sidi Ali Tamasini for that." Shaykh Ahmad Tijani then repeated without stopping: "Is there someone like al-Haj Tamasini?" Sidi Tayyeb said: "Sidna keep repeating this words till I regret why I asked him that."

Sidi al-Haj Abul Hassan Tamasini had reach station that after the installation of Sidna in the city of Fez he used to come and visit Sidna by karamat of one step (for example going to one country to another by just moving one step) that caused Sidna to prevent him again from doing miracles by telling him: "If you want to come and visit me for the sake of Allah, you should come like the common people, with sandals, with a Horse, escort and feel fatigue, thirst and with fear (like the common people).

It has been also reported by particular (khassa) companions of Shaykh Tijani that one day while. He was leading the prayer with twenty and something of his companions after finishing the prayer they (companions) were surprised from the miraculous happening of dates around them when Sidna saw that they(companions) were amazed he said: "This is the act of that crazy man." When Sidna met with Sidi al-Haj Tamasini he asked him what caused him to do such act, he responded: ''O my master forgive me, in that time i was in my farm, while the farmers were collecting the dates I saw how beautiful they were. And I wanted to send some to you in the same state that caused me send them to you after reciting some secrets words for them to arrive in your hands. Sidna ordered him again not to do a similar act again. When Sidna passed away the signs of Fath al-Akbar appeared on him in such that there was no one like him, and the people used to come to visit him within all compasses to take the Tariqa, one day hundred people came to him from different sides to request the Taqdim (title of muqaddam).

Sidi al-Haj Tamasini was blessed with Mukachafa (insight) in such way that he managed (or used it the way he wanted). He used to see the Holy Prophet Mohamed (peace and blessing be upon him) frequently. One day some people were discussing about the saints having visions of the holy prophet saw, at hearing this Sidi al-Haj Tamasini said: ''There are some saints on our time that there is nothing they can do small or big without having the authorization of the holy prophet saw in real vision and not in dream''. All the people that were present understood that he was referring to himself. Sidi al-Haj Tamasini never did something without asking the authorization of Sidna, and
Sidna certified him that he was the Qutb after him.

Sidi Al-Abdellawi reported: "One day he was near Sidi al-Haj Tamasini and wanted to ask him for the title of full authorization to give the wird (Tarqim Mutlack) just by having the intention come through his mind Sidi al-Haj Tamasini then looked at him back and told him you are authorized to give the Tariqa, and added I thank Allah for this immense grace. He died in the 1260 in hegira his tomb is in Algeria in one city called Tamasin. Upon the death of Sidi Ali Tamasini, the succession went to Sidi Mohammed al-Habib, and then back to the other line. No serious split in the order occurred until the death of Sidi Mohammed al-‘Eid Tamasini (d. 1290/1875), when two groups separated following a dispute over the succession. The result is that these two places came to have only a localized direct authority, and groups of their direct ramifications have made themselves independent. Leadership of the Zawiya of Tamasin had been presided mutually by Sidi Mohammed Sghir (d. 1307/1892), Sidi M'ammar (d. 1309/1894), Sidi al-‘Eid (d. 1342/1927), Sidi al-Bashir b. al-Eid (d. 1415/2000).


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